Revival Fire
Sermons For Real Revival And Evangelism.
Eight Part Audio Series On Four CDs
Price $30 with FREE Shipping Debit/Credit or Paypal
1. Five Fearsome Facts From The Bible
(Matthew 7:13-23) William has often said that if he had only one sermon to preach to the world, it would be this one. It is a simple but powerful message on salvation. It is a Bible filled message with illustrations that emphasis each point. Taken from Jesus’ very first message, “The Sermon On The Mount” it underlines what Jesus said was most important: Not everyone will be saved, More will be lost than saved, and Many who expect to be save will be lost.
2. The Cross Of Christ
(Matthew 27: 24-26, 33-37) Theologians tell us it was the thirteenth day of Nisin, 32 A. D. around 3 o’clock in the afternoon when Jesus died. Hanging on the cross, Jesus said, “it is finished.” The plan of God to save the world is finished. The death of Jesus on the cross was the plan and will of God from the beginning. God’s plan was that a perfect sacrifice for sin be made and Jesus was that sacrifice. The Bible says, “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved”.
3. False Hopes Of Heaven
(Matthew 22: 9-13) It is a terrible thing to have a hope for something and that hope not work out. That’s what this message is about. In these verses we have a man who has a hope for heaven but it is a false hope and he doesn’t make it. William addresses the false hopes of heaven that many people have today and then expounds on the only true hope of heaven: Jesus Christ. “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’s blood and righteousness”.
4. A New Creature In Christ
(II Corinthians 5: 17) The Bible says, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are done away, all things become new”. This uplifting salvation message explores God commitment to change a man when He saves him. The message list and expounds those changes that take place when a man gets saved. It is an eye opening message that helps men examine themselves whether or not they have been changed and therefore saved. No change, no salvation!
5. The Salvation Test
(Matthew 7: 21-23, I John) One day many church members will stand before God and not even know they are lost until Jesus tells them. What a shock! The Bible says, “Examine yourself, whether ye be in the faith” and “brethren, make your calling and election sure”. God gives a salvation test in the Bible so that everyone can know for sure if they are truly saved. In this message, William illustrates from the Bible the seven marks of a true believer.
6. The Scarlet Thread
(Joshua 2: 15-21) This is the story of a prostitute named Rahab. And what a story it is. Rahab, even though she is a big time sinner, gets saved and changed and later is listed as being in the blood line of our Lord Jesus Christ. This truly shows the mercy and grace of God to those who will turn to Him. To be saved you must get behind the scarlet thread.
7. How To Be Born Again
(John 3: 1-7) Jesus said that no one goes to heaven unless they are born again. What does that mean? Why do you have to have it? William examines one of the best known set of scriptures in the Bible. He tells you “Why” everyone must be born again. He tells you what “The New Birth” is and isn’t. He explains how to be born again. It is a simple yet powerful sermon. A great salvation message.
8. When God Gives A Man Up
(I John 5:16) One of the most important things about God that most people don”t know is this: There comes a time when God gives a man up. A person can cross a deadline with God. There are two sins involved: 1. “The Sin Unto Death” – This is a sin only a Christian can commit. When you commit this sin, God gives you up to premature death. 2. “Sinning Away Your Day Of Grace” – This is a sin that only a lost person can commit. When you commit this sin, God gives you up to hell.
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Revival Fire
Eight Part Audio Series On Four CDs
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$30.00 with FREE Shipping!