William Blackburn Ministries
William Blackburn Ministries is a dynamic evangelistic ministry that conducts church revivals and wide crusades across the United States. William Blackburn Ministries also produces teaching materials for both Evangelism and Victorious Christian Living.
Formed in 1985, by William and Gaius Blackburn, WBM has conducted over 1,000 single church revivals plus numerous area wide crusades resulting in over 100,000 decisions for Christ. He preaches in churches of all sizes all across America. Read News Articles About Revivals
William Blackburn has been called the “number one harvest evangelist” in the Southern Baptist Convention”. Dr. Ron Herrod
Meet William
William has preached some of the greatest church revivals in the Southern Baptist Convention including Highland Baptist Church in Laurel, Mississippi, a revival that lasted over ten weeks resulting in more than 1,300 decisions for Christ; and Second Baptist Church in Hot Springs, Arkansas, a revival that lasted nine weeks resulting in over 700 decisions for Christ. William has also conducted several month long revivals with hundreds being saved.
With a burning desire for real revival and a compassion for the lost, William has committed his life to winning men to Christ. He preaches with passion and conviction the message Jesus preached: “Except a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3 A Letter To Pastors
A Successful Business Man
William is a graduate of the University of Arkansas – Monticello where he attended on a football scholarship. After graduating with a teaching degree, William became a successful businessman in the field of advertising, marketing and public relations where he created award-winning programs. William has produced and directed two feature length motion pictures and has directed numerous political advertising campaigns prior to giving his life to Christ.
Born Again
Saved at the age of 36, William began preaching at 37. The first year of his ministry was spent preaching at the Gospel Rescue Mission in Van Buren, Arkansas. For the past 34 years, he has been a full time vocational evangelist affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. William preaches between 35 and 40 revivals a year and is in demand as a speaker at State Conventions, Pastor Conferences and Evangelism Conferences. What We Believe
Invite William To Speak At Your Church Or Event
Meet Gaius
Gaius Blackburn is a full-time partner with William in the ministry and travels with him to revivals. Gaius was saved two years after William and has been a faithful witness ever since. She is an effective Bible teacher, prayer warrior and Godly counselor to those in need.
Gaius Blackburn is a graduate of the University of Arkansas – Monticello with a degree in nursing. She is originally from Crossett, Arkansas. Gaius and William were college sweethearts and have been married for more than 45 years. They reside in Fort Smith, Arkansas. They have a daughter (Brittany Genova), son-in-law (Jeff Genova) and four grandchildren (Ashley, Johnathan, Joshua and Benjamin).
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