Revive Your Church!

Make Your Church Come Alive With A Spiritual Awakening

“Will you not revive us again; that your people may rejoice in you?”  Psalm 85:6 Tent Revival Invitation-framed

 William Blackburn Ministries is located in Fort Smith, Arkansas.   Harvest Evangelism has always been our heart. Our ministries consist of “Church Revivals”, “Area Crusades” along with producing Videos and Books on “Evangelism Training” and “Dynamic Christian Living”. For thirty-six years, Evangelist William Blackburn has led the way in Harvest Evangelism, Real Revival and True Salvation. Watch Real Revival Services. His messages have resulted in tens of thousands of people coming to faith in Christ. In addition, thousands of Christians have been drawn to a closer relationship with the Lord. Many marriages and families have been restored. Holiness and Godliness have become the standard in many lives and Evangelism has become the center focus of Christian work. News Articles

Evangelism Is The Life Blood Of The Church



The Bibles says, “he who wins souls is wise”. Evangelism not only wins the lost to Christ, it revives the hearts of God’s people. God commands His people to go into all the world and make disciples. When we obey God, it produces joy, peace and a victorious Christian life. Let us who claim the name of Christ be busy about our Father’s business. A Glimpse Of Glory.  As Missionary David Brainerd said, “Let us not be found as amateur and unskilled workmen”.



Invite William for a REVIVAL in your Church

Special Links:

About William Blackburn Ministries
Learn more about William and Gaius Blackburn and their 34 years of Harvest Evangelism.
Check Out Our Blog
Keep up with the latest articles and videos from our ministry. These post are timely, educational, motivational and sometimes controversial.
Contact Us
If you would like to get in touch with us, please use this page. We would love to hear from you.
A Letter To Pastors
An open letter to my pastor friends, with a word of encouragement and exhortation. I share my experience preaching in more than 1,000 churches over 34 years. I address some of todays problems and opportunities in the American church.
News Articles About Revivals
A collection of some of the many newspaper articles that have been written about our Harvest Evangelism revivals and crusades. These will inspire you and demonstrate that old-fashion revivals and evangelism still work. Revivals win the lost and rejuvenate the church.
Invite William To Speak At Your Church Or Event
If you would like to invite William to speak at your church or event, then use this page to contact him.
Watch Real Revival Videos
The revival in Laurel, Mississippi lasted 10 weeks with 1,300 professions of faith. Here are 50 videos and audios from that revival. This is an example of Biblical Evangelism. The site is Christian Revival Sermons and will open in a new tab.
Support Our Ministry
If you would like to support evangelism, revival and the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ to America and the World, you can donate here.

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