Support William Blackburn Ministries
This is the William Blackburn Ministries Support Page. Here you can make your contribution to help us reach the world for Jesus Christ.
Faith Ministry
William Blackburn is a faith ministry made possible by the generous support of Christians who desire to have a part in spreading the gospel around the world. The message we preach is the one Jesus preached: “Except a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God.” We have faithfully preached the gospel message since 1985.
Partner With Us
We need you to partner with us in ministry and evangelism! You can do this by making a one time gift or join us as a “Partner in Evangelism” with a monthly gift.
To Make A Donation By Check
You may also simply mail a check to:
William Blackburn Ministries | P.O.Box 2284 | Fort Smith, AR 72902
To Make A Donation By Debit/Credit Card
Just click on the “Donation” button below and you will be taken to a secure page where your gift will be processed.
Donate Securely
• You can use any major debit/credit card.
• Your donation will be processed by PayPal.
• You do not have to join PayPal.
• You will not be charged any fee.
• You will determine the amount you give.
Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity in supporting the work being accomplished through this ministry
You may use Debit/Credit or PayPal.