Dramatic Revival
Revival Is Dramatic – 124 Professions Of Faith
Tent Revival Impacts Entire Town – All Denominations
“The revival impacted all of Booneville. People of all cultural levels and from a variety of denominational backgrounds accepted Christ as Savior”, declared William Blackburn, staff evangelist at First Baptist Church, Fort Smith.
William was commenting on a tent revival he conducted for Southside Baptist Church in which there were 124 people saved. “It was glorious to see God move in this community in so many lives,” said Blackburn.
The crusade has also had a tremendous impact on Southside Baptist Church. Prior to the meeting, the congregation was averaging 98 in Sunday School attendance. Now the church is running approximately 140 in Sunday School with slightly more than 150 attending the worship service. The church is looking forward to the future and what God will do next.
Evangelist Blackburn became a Christian at the age of 36, after a business career in advertising and marketing. He became a preacher at the age of 37, starting his ministry at the Gospel Rescue Mission in Van Buren, Arkansas. He is now a full-time vocational evangelist with the Southern Baptist Convention. Watch Revival Videos.
The church has baptized approximately 75 of those who were saved in the revival services and approximately 100 since Oct. 1. It is good to see how powerful the gospel is when it is presented with power and boldness. The pastor of Southside Baptist is Chester Gray. “He has had a tremendous influence on this community by his preaching and his godly lifestyle,” said Blackburn.
There were 50 individuals baptized on the first night after the conclusion of the meeting. This was the largest number of baptisms at one time in the history of the church. Others were baptized later at Southside or in their own churches.
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