Five Fearsome Facts
A video message based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and his “Sermon on the Mount”. It deals with what Jesus and the Bible say about true salvation. Read More>>
The Return Of Jesus Christ
The next great event on God’s calendar is the return of Jesus Christ. This DVD teaching presents the clear picture of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Read More>>
The Salvation Test
Can a person know for sure they are going to heaven? The Bible says yes! In fact, God has written a “salvation test” in the Bible. The Bible says, “examine yourself”. Read More>>
What Happens After Death?
In this DVD, William examines the subject of death and the afterlife. It answers the age old question, “What lies on the other side of the grave?” Read More>>
Supernatural Christian Living
This DVD contains two video teachings: “How To Be A 100% Christian” and “5 Sins Satan Uses To Destroy Christians”. Both teach how to live a successful christian life. Read More>>
7 False Hopes Of Heaven
It is a terrible thing to have a hope for something and that hope not work out. This DVD discusses the false hopes many have about heaven. A revealing message. Read More>>
The Unpardonable Sin
In front of every unsaved person there is an invisible line. To step across means eternal death. Jesus said, there is one sin for which there is no forgiveness. Read More>>
The Court Of No Appeal
There is coming a day when there will be no more days. When time will be no more. This DVD deals with the “Final Judgement”, when God will judge the world. Read More>>
Is There A Hell?
The person that preached on hell more than any other was Jesus Christ. This DVD will draw you close to God and inspire you to win your lost loved ones to Christ. Read More>>
LOST! The Saddest Word Jesus Ever Spoke.
To be lost is to be abandoned and forgotten. The Bible says it is to be “condemned already” but Jesus said, “I have come to seek and to save that which was lost”. Read More>>