How To Be A Dynamic Christian
Sermons For Victorious Christian Living.
Eight Part Audio Series On Four CDs
Price – $30 with FREE Shipping Debit/Credit or Paypal
Album Contains These 8 Sermons:
1. How To Have Miracle Working Faith
(Matthew 14:22-33) The key to salvation and the key to the victorious Christian life is faith. Most Christians live defeated lives and fail to reach that level of “abundant living” that Christ tells us is available to every true born again believer. This message is about how Christians can live their lives with unlimited miracle working faith. Faith honors God and God honors faith.
2. How To Be A Good Samaritan
(Luke 10:30-37) The parable of the “Good Samaritan” is one of the Bible’s most well known parables. William addresses this parable as more than just a story of being kind to less fortunate people. It is a picture of “true Christian love” by caring for an eternal soul. This provocative message reveals how it is possible to get so busy doing “religious things” that you fail to do “spiritual things”. It is a motivating message because Jesus commands us be like the “good Samaritan”.
3. How To Decide Questionable Things
(Various Scriptures) Many honest, sincere Christians want to know if a certain thing is right or wrong but can not find a clear Bible verse regarding the matter. What are they to do? Even though the Bible does not give all the specific details regarding what a Christian should and should not do, it does give guidelines by which every true Christian can make the right decision regarding questionable things. Remember: Whatever is not faith, is sin.
4. How To Avoid Spiritual Drift
(Hebrews 2:1-4) Hebrews is a book of warnings to the Christian. One of Hebrews main warnings is about spiritual drift. Today,many people allow the world to draw them away from the things of God. This message tells us about drifters in theBible and the consequences of their actions. It deals with the reasons, the results, and the remedy for spiritual drift.
5. How To Almost Get To Heaven
(Acts 24:23-27) One time while Paul was in prison, he had the opportunity to witness to the Governor of Caesarea about the things of God. The man’s name was Felix and he was very kind to Paul. He had an interest in the things of the Lord, and “heard him concerning the things of Christ”. He was “almost saved”. He almost made it to heaven. The problem with almost getting to heaven is that you don’t get to heaven at all.
6. A Disease Worst Than AIDS
(James 1:12-15, 21) This old world has seen many tragic diseases but one of the worst is Aids. Yet, the Bible speaks of something that is worst than Aids. What is it? It is sin! Sin destroys the abundant life for the Christian and sin condemns the lost man to hell. Aids can kill your body but sin can kill both body and soul. The good news is there is victory over this disease of sin. William addresses the origin of sin, the operation of sin, the objective of sin and the ointment for sin.
7. God’s Recipe For Revival
(2 Chronicles 7:14) Many people are praying for Revival today. God lays out His method of Revival in this verse. It all starts with God’s people, prayer and repentance. When we meet God’s conditions of Revival, He promises to forgive their sins and heal their land and sent a Real Revival to His people. A needed message for today’s church.
8. Motivations For Soul Winning
(II Corinthians 5:6-11) Whatever you achieve in live depends on motivation and how successful you are as a Christian depends on Godly motivation. Here the Apostle Paul tells what motivated him to give his life to evangelize the world. It is truly inspiring and will touch your heart and motivate you to invest yourself in telling others the Good News about Jesus Christ.
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How To Be A Dynamic Christian
Eight Part Audio Series On Four CDs
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$30.00 with FREE Shipping!