The End Times
Sermons To Prepare For The Last Days.
Eight Part Audio Series On Four CDs
Price – $30 with FREE Shipping Debit/Credit or Paypal
Album Includes These 8 Sermons:
1. Last Signs Of The End Times
(Matthew 24:14) Today there is a lot of talk about The End Times. Books, movies and sermons are everywhere on this subject. What does the Bible say about this important event? What are the signs of the End Times? When will Jesus return? This provocative message addresses those and many other questions concerning these things. Are you ready?
2. What Is Heaven Like?
(Revelation 21:1-4) The dictionary says that Heaven is the “abode of God” and the Bible verifies this definition. What will heaven be like? What will we do there? Will we know our loved ones there? How can a person know for sure they are going to heaven? William Blackburn paints a true biblical picture of heaven that makes everyone desire to go there.
3. One Taken One Left
(Matthew 24:36-44 Luke 17:30-37) The next great event on God’s calendar is the return of Jesus Christ. This is such an important event that it is spoken of 318 times in the New Testament. That averages to one out of every twenty five verses. Jesus spoke of His return, the angels spoke of Christ return, and the Holy Spirit spoke of Christ return. This message reveals the chronology of Jesus Christ’s return and how every person can be ready for this dramatic event.
4. The Meaning Of The Resurrection
(John 20:1-10) What would say is the starting point of the New Testament? The Incarnation of Christ? The Teachings of Jesus? The Cross? It is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection message is the bedrock of Christianity. Without the Resurrection we are still lost in our sins and there is no hope. The Resurrection is the message that changes lives because it proves Jesus has conquered sin and death. Jesus said ,”Fear not.” Victory is assured!
5. The Book Or The Books?
(Revelation 20:11-15) In heaven there is a set of BOOKS (plural) and over beside them is a BOOK (singular). At the Great White Throne Judgment both will be present. One is the BOOKS OF WORKS and the other is the BOOK OF LIFE. The most important thing in your life is that your name is recorded in the BOOK (singular). This message deals with the Final Judgment and who will stand there before God. It ask the question: Where Is Your Name Recorded? It also provides the answer how you can make sure your name is in the BOOK OF LIFE.
6. Four Things Jesus Said About Hell
(Matthew 10:28) Many people today don’t believe in Hell. Many preachers won’t preach on Hell. But, Jesus was a great preacher on Hell. Jesus preached on Hell more than Heaven. He preached on Hell in His first and last sermon. Jesus knew Hell was real and He wanted to warn people to “flee from the wrath to come”. This message deals with what Jesus said about Hell and gives the way to avoid it.
7. The Harvest Is Almost Over
(Jeremiah 8:20, various) There is a harvest time with God. It is a time when God moves strongly in the lives of people. God warns not to miss this time. A person can not be saved unless the Holy Spirit draws him to Christ. But God says, “my spirit shall not always strive with man.” The Bible says, “when you hear the voice of God, don’t harden your heart”. A person can miss the call of God on their lives. Are we getting to the end of the time of harvest?
8. The Final Judgment Of God
(Acts 17:30-31) God is a God of love, mercy and grace. But God is also a God of Judgment and Wrath. Paul one day was talking to a group of men from Athens, Greece. He explained that “God has commanded than all men repent because He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness”. This message deals with the final judgment and how to repent so you can be prepared to stand before God.
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The End Times
Eight Part Audio Series On Four CDs
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$30.00 with FREE Shipping!