What Happens When A Christian Sins? (Video)
Posted on 22. Oct, 2014 by Williiam in Uncategorized
What happens when a Christian sins? Yes, Christians do sin. Sin in the life of a Christian will not lead him to hell but it does cause a lot of problems. Sin brings the chastening of the Lord.
When God saves an individual, He is committed to shaping and forming him into the image of Jesus Christ. When a Christian allows sin into their life, God works to remove it.
First, God will bring conviction, secondly chastisement, thirdly scourging and finally pre-mature death! He does this not because He hates you but because He loves you and wants to bring you back to Himself.
Sin is rebellion against God and He will not tolerate it in the lives of His children.
In this video, William examines what the Bible says are the ways God deals with sin in a Christian’s life. A right relationship with God brings peace, joy and happiness.
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