Is There A Hell? – DVD
The Most Important Concern Of All: Our Never Dying Soul.
Price – $15 with FREE Shipping Debit/Credit or Paypal
(Luke 16: 19-31) There is coming a day, when every person without faith in Christ, will be cast into a lake of fire for all eternity. The Bible teaches in no uncertain terms that Hell is a real place, where real people go, when they die without Christ.
Many people don’t believe in hell and many preachers won’t preach about hell. But, Jesus said hell was real and He warned people to flee from the wrath to come.
Jesus preached on hell more times than He preached on heaven. He preached on hell in His first sermon, “The Sermon On The Mount” and He preached on hell in His last sermon, “The Mount Olivett Discourse”. Jesus Christ was an old-fashion “hell-fire preacher!”
Jesus once preached a sermon on hell about a rich man and a poor man. These men had different lives, different deaths, and different eternities. Jesus said if we would study the lives of these two men, we could know what hell was really like.
This DVD deals with the Reality of Hell. It explains the Certainty of Hell, the Character of Hell and the Citizens of Hell. William preaches on hell because it’s in the Bible, to wake up the Christians and to warn lost sinners.
In “Is There A Hell” you’ll learn:
- Three Reasons For Preaching On Hell.
- The Reality And Certainty Of Hell.
- The Character Of Hell. What Hell Is Like.
- The Citizens Of Hell. Who Goes To Hell
- The Bible Description Of Hell.
- When Hell Begins.
- How A Person Can Escape Hell.
- Biblical And Historical Illustrations On Hell
- And much more!
The opening segment of this message was filmed in the former jail of the famous federal judge of the 1800’s: Isaac Parker. Judge Parker was known as the “hanging judge” and his jail was called, “hell on the border”.
William preaches about the reality of hell and all it’s consequences in this message. It is a sobering look at what Jesus calls, a place of eternal torment.
It is a message filled with true illustrations from life and paints a picture of a place that no one wants to go and no one has to go if they will repent and believe.
“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all nations that forget God.”
Is there a hell? Jesus said, Yes, there really is such a place!
This DVD is a strong evangelistic and personal soul winning message. It will change your life. Get this DVD today!
Is There A Hell? – DVD
$15.00 with FREE Shipping!
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