How Can I Know If I’m Really A Christian? (Video)
Posted on 20. Oct, 2014 by Williiam in Uncategorized
“Today is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
The question of the day is this: How can I know for sure that I am really a Christian? How can I know for sure I’m really saved? Well the Bible gives the answer.
The Bible says'”you shall know them by their fruits”
The proof that a person is a Christian is NOT that they’ve walked an aisle, made a profession of faith or been baptized. The Bible says the proof that a man really knows God is the fruit in his life.
Now what kind of fruit is God talking about? Well there are 2 or 3 there.
Fruit of Repentance
The first fruit you’ll see in the life of a real christian is the Fruit of Repentance. The bible says’ “except you repent you’ll perish”.
To repent means to change your opinion and then to change your affections which cause you to change your direction.
Before a man becomes a christian he is going in one direction away from God. When he repents he changes his mind and turns and comes to God. One of the fruits you’ll see in a man’s life who has truly been born again is the fruit of repentance.
You can look at his life you can see a point where he’s going in one direction , living a certain way, talking a certain way, thinking a certain way, and something arrest him and turns him around and he goes in the opposite direction. Repentance! You’ll see it in his life.
Fruit of Righteousness
The second thing you’ll see is the Fruit of Righteousness. Righteousness means living right in God’s eyes. Righteousness means, when you see a man who is truly saved he will be living a life in obedience to God. He’ll be reading the bible, finding out what the bible says and he’ll be doing what the bible says. Righteousness.
Fruit of Holiness
The third fruit we’ll see is the Fruit of Holiness. Now, you don’t hear much talking about holiness today dear friend but the bible still says, “without holiness no man shall see God”. Holiness means living above sin. It means living a godly life a holy life, a life that is not in coordination with sin of the world.
That doesn’t mean we’re perfect. We still have this flesh.
But a man who is holy has a desire to live without sin in his life. And you’ll see that.
Fruit of Evangelism
The final fruit you’ll see in a truly saved man is the Fruit of Evangelism.
A man who is truly saved will have a heart to tell other men about Jesus.
Think about it for a moment. To be saved means to be forgiven of all your sins.
To be saved means to be filled with the holy spirit. To be saved means to be rescued from hell. To be saved means your name is written in the Book of Life and one day you’ll go to heaven.
Are you trying to tell me a man can have that experience with God, to be so radically converted and changed and rescued and he can keep it to himself and not tell somebody else? Oh no, my dear friends!
A person who is truly saved will exhibit fruit in their life. And that fruit will be the Fruit of Repentance, He’ll have turned from sin.
There will be the Fruit of Righteousness, he’ll be obeying God.
There will be the Fruit of Holiness and Godliness. He’ll live with a conscious awareness to avoid sin.
And then there will be the Fruit of Evangelism. He’ll have a passion and a heart to tell people about Jesus.
That’s the question of the say: The marks of a true believer. How can you know
you are really saved?
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