Life After Death
Sermons Dealing With Life’s Most Important Questions.
Eight Part Audio Series On Four CDs
Price – $30 with FREE Shipping Debit/Credit or Paypal
Album Contains These 8 Sermons:
1. What Happens After Death?
(Job 14:14) Forty centuries ago, a man named Job ask a very powerful and penetrating question. He ask, “if a man dies does he live again?” He was asking, “what lies on the other side of the grave?” and “What happens after death?” William deals with this most important subject by defining death and it’s consequences and how we can be prepared. He describes the “second death” and gives several true life illustrations.
2. How Will You Die?
(Hebrews 9:27, various) The question is not will you die? The question is how will you die? The Bible gives several illustrations on how men die: some good, some not. Some men die with honor. Some men die with shame. Since we are all going to die, we need to think of how we will die. The Bible says, “it is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment.” We need to be prepared to stand before God. We need to die in a Godly way.
3. The Court Of No Appeal
(Revelation 20: 11-15) There is coming a day, when there will be no more days. When time will be no more. And God will judge the living and the dead. In this serious but critical message, William talks about the Great White Throne Judgment. Who will be the Judge? Who will be the Defendants? What will the Trial be like? William sheds light on this tremendous event in a way that not only teaches and inspires Christians, it warns sinners of their fate unless they repent.
4. Is There Really A Hell?
(Luke 16: 19-31) Jesus once preached a sermon on hell about a rich man and a poor man. They had different lives, different deaths, and different eternities. Jesus said if we would study the lives of these two men, we could know what hell was like. This message deals with the Certainty of Hell, The Character of Hell and the Citizens of Hell. William preaches on hell because it’s in the Bible, to wake up the Christians and to warn lost sinners.
5. The Sinking Of The Titanic
(Psalm 60:11) On the night of April 14, 1912 at 11:40 p. m., the greatest shipping disaster in history took place. The great Titanic struck an iceberg 800 miles from the coast of Newfoundland and sank. There were 2300 people on board. 700 were saved but 1600 perished with the ship. William takes this true event and parallels it with the future judgment of God. It will surprise and entertain you. It demonstrates that the mistakes made on the Titanic are still being made today.
6. The Perfect Fool
(Luke 12: 13-22, 31, 34) There was once a rich farmer who was blessed with a tremendous harvest. He tore down his old barns and built new ones and filled them. He said, “I’ve got it made.” But God said he was a fool because that night he was going to die. In this message, William teaches how short and fragile life is and how we should be laying up our treasures in heaven and not here on earth. A strong evangelistic message for men.
7. The Resurrection Of Christ
(I Corinthians 15:1) What was it that turned the disciples from cowards to martyrs? What took them from doubters to great preachers of the gospel? It was the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It was not just a spiritual resurrection but a real bodily resurrection. That event changes every life that believes. The Bible says, “If you will confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved”.
8. Living, Dying and Living Again
(Hebrews 9:27) There is a glorious after-life awaiting the Christian. It is eternal life with a new glorified body and a heavenly home with the Lord. This is a message of encouragement for those who know the Lord. It is also a sober warning to those who don’t. Interesting facts about life after death that will enlighten and surprise. Preached with passion.
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Life After Death
Eight Part Audio Series On Four CDs
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$30.00 with FREE Shipping!