Not Everyone Is Going To Be Saved. (Video) Part 1 of 5
Posted on 04. Nov, 2014 by Williiam in Uncategorized
In this Five-Part series, William presents “Five Fearsome Facts from the Faithful Word of God”. It is taken from the Sermon on the Mount in the gospel of Matthew by the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Bible is a very frank book. It records both the sins and successes of the saints of God. The Bible is a two-edged sword. It has a positive side but it also has a negative side.
The Bible tells us about salvation but also tells us about damnation. The Bible tells us about heaven but also tells us about hell!
This first teaching deals with “Fearsome Fact Number One” – Not Everyone Is Going To Be Saved. Not everyone is going to heaven
Jesus said some people will go to heaven while other people will go to hell. This is truly a fearsome and frightening truth.
Watch The Video:
Watch Part 2 – “More Will Be Lost Than Will Be Saved”
William Blackburn has been a vocational evangelist for over 30 years. During that time he has conducted over 900 Revivals with more than 90,000 Decisions for Christ. He has been called the “number one harvest evangelist in America.”
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