Pastor Letter
Discover How Your Church Can Experience True Revival.
Dear Pastor,
Would you like to see a real Spiritual Awakening come to your life and to your church?
Wouldn’t it be glorious to see a real heaven sent revival where lives are changed, souls are saved, marriages restored and the spiritual condition of your church lifted to the level God intended it to be?
It can happen! I have seen it many times. When we step out in faith, God steps out with us. It is glorious!
America Needs Revival.
My heart burns for revival, and as a pastor, I know yours does, too. People all across America are praying that God will intervene into the affairs of this great country and bring a real revival. I believe the time is right for a tremendous move of God in our churches.
For the past 32 years I have preached the gospel across America in churches of all sizes. My wife and I have seen some of the greatest revivals in church history. We give God all the praise and glory because He and He alone can bring revival. But, God expects us to believe him and step out in faith. “Faith without works is dead.” James 2:20
Today, I believe God is prepared to move dramatically in the local church as never before. I believe God is about to do a great reviving of our local churches and many souls will be saved. Will you be a part of that?
Are You Concerned?
Does it concern you that so few church members live a holy and godly life? Does it concern you that the divorce rate for church members is higher than the divorce rate for non- church members? Are you frustrated with the spiritual apathy you see in the average church? Are you saddened as you see so many professing Christians live defeated lives? Are you broken hearted that the majority of our teenagers graduate from high school and then quit church forever?
Never before has our nation been in greater need of revival than now. Our moral values and religious freedoms are under attack from every direction.
We have tried “Promise Keepers”, “Experiencing God”, “The Mind Of Christ”, “Church Growth” and “The Purpose Driven Church”. We’ve debated and gone back and forth between Traditional and Contemporary Music. We have implemented Prayer Partners and Accountability Partners. We’ve brought in athletes, magicians, musical skits, dancers and Power Point presentations and yet nothing dramatically changes in the spiritual condition of our people or community. Something is missing.
We now have Emergent and Seeker Friendly churches that look and act like the world. Attendance may improve and we may build new facilities, but the spiritual condition of our church withers as the power and presence of God is gone. Professing Christians live, act and think more like the world every day. What is the answer?
Your Church Needs Revival
Pastor, our church doesn’t need another program, activity or promotion. Your church doesn’t need to compromise it’s values and become like the world. What your church needs is for God to show up in power and glory and breathe new life into it. Your church needs A REAL REVIVAL!
The Bible says to return to the old paths.
“God’s work must be done God’s way.” Paris Reidhead
Wouldn’t it be great to see a supernatural move of God in your church? Wouldn’t you like to see believers begin to obey God and live holy lives? To see lost sinners come to Christ? But how?
We need to start using the tools God has provided to bring a spiritual awakening to His church. What pastors need to do is set aside a time for special services and use the man God has given to the church to help bring real revival: A God-called Evangelist.
God’s Gift To The Church
Remember, the evangelist is God’s gift to the church. God has given the evangelist special gifts just for a time such as this. The evangelist has a special message and way of preaching that God uses to convict men of sin and win them to Christ. His message will also revive the Christian and reclaim the Backslider. He is the true friend of the pastor.
When was the last time you used a God-called evangelist in your church for revival?
“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” Ephesians 4:11-12
W. A. Criswell said,
“The evangelists (evangelistas, Gk.), literally “one who preaches good news”, in the N.T. were men supernaturally gifted with (1) a unique ability to present the gospel effectively to unbelievers and (2) a unique ability to train other believers in evangelism, thus making it possible for all Christians to be a part of the implementation of the great commission (Matt. 28:18-20).”
Criswell Study Bible, page 1388
Pray For Revival
Please browse through our website, watch the videos, listen to the sermons, read the testimonies and see what God is doing in His church.
I encourage you to pray about having a real old-fashion holy ghost revival in your church. Pray about inviting a God-called Evangelist to come along side of you to do the work of evangelism. Believe God for a real spiritual awakening among your people.
You won’t be disappointed. May God bless you.
William D. Blackburn, Evangelist
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