Supernatural Christian Living – DVD
This DVD contains two videos on “Successful Christian Living”
Price – $15 with FREE Shipping Debit/Credit or Paypal
Video #1 – How To Be A 100% Christian
(Hebrews 6:1-3) When a person gets “born again” that is not the end of salvation. It is the beginning of salvation. God wants you to grow in grace and knowledge. He wants you to be conformed to the image of Christ.
What does that mean and how do you accomplish it? William addresses the issue of how every Christian can be all God wants him to be.
Video #2 – Five Sins Satan Uses To Destroy Christians
(Revelation 2:1-3, 12-13, 18-19, 3: 1-2, 14-16) Most Christian live defeated lives. It doesn’t have to be that way. Jesus said, “I’ve come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.”
The problem lies in understanding sin in the life of a Christian. In the book of Revelation, the Apostle John writes seven letters to seven churches. In five of these letters, the message is, “you have sin in your life – Repent”. In these five letters we see the sins that Satan uses to destroy Christians.
In These Two Videos You’ll Learn:
- How To Get The Assurance Of Your Salvation
- How To Live A Happy And Joyful Christian Life
- How To Get Holy Spirit Power For Service To God
- The Reason Most Christians Live A Defeated Life
- The First Step To Spiritual Fall And The Judgment Of God
- The Number One Sin In The American Church Today
- The Sin That Nauseates Jesus
- and Much More!
After more than 25 years preaching the gospel of Christ, I am convinced most Christians want victory in their daily lives. The problem is, most do not understand what it takes to achieve that state. God wants you to not only be “saved” but to grow in grace and knowledge.
God wants you to be all that He created you to be.
These two video messages will help you live a victorious Christian life. They will also suprise and comfort you. Get this DVD today!
Supernatural Christian Living – DVD
$15 with FREE Shipping.
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