The Woman Who Wanted To Live Forever
Posted on 04. May, 2013 by Williiam in Uncategorized
Some years ago, there was a woman who wanted to live forever. Her name was Sarah Winchester. Sarah was married to William Winchester, one of the men who manufactured the Winchester Repeating Rifle. William became a very wealthy man, and when he died, Sarah became a very wealthy widow.
And Sarah wanted more than anything to live forever. So, Sarah consulted a fortune teller, a psychic, a witch.
This fortune teller told her she could live forever if she did one thing. And that was to start building a house and never stop building. If she would never stop building, she would never die.
So Sarah began to build on this eternal house. She build on it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 day a year. She spent millions of dollars and hired thousands of workers. They worked day and night, 12 months year round. Because, if you never stop building, you will never die.
She built on this house for 38 years!
Today, you can see the home Sarah built. Just go to San Jose, California, there in the Santa Clara Valley. The home, once seven stories high, is now four stories because of a tornado. The house covers fourteen acres of land. It has hundreds of rooms and thousands of windows and doors. There are staircases that lead to nowhere and doors that open to nothing. It was so large and confusing that servants had to use a map to navigate it.
But one night after 38 years of building, the icy finger of death came down one of those many hallways; through one of those many doors; into one of those hundreds of rooms. And death found Sarah and took her to eternity.
You can not hide from death. Death is coming for you and death is coming for me. And it may come sooner than any of us ever expected.
My Question Is This: If you were to die tonight, where would you spend eternity? Heaven or Hell?
It would all depend on what you’ve done with Jesus.
Remember, You Will Live Forever, Somewhere!
The Bible says, “Prepare to meet thy God”. Amos 4:12
“It is appointed unto men, once to die and after this the judgment”. Hebrews 9:27
“Your life is nothing but a vapor, that appears for a little time, then vanishes away”. James 4:14
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