Today Could Be Your Last Chance To Be Saved. (Video) Part 5 of 5
Posted on 15. Nov, 2014 by Williiam in Uncategorized
Today could be your last chance to be saved! This might be the last time God calls you for salvation.
We are so full of pride and arrogance, we think we can come to God and get saved at any time we choose. This is wrong! An individual must come to God when the Holy Spirit is calling him, or he doesn’t come and get saved at all. Jesus said,
“no one comes to me unless first my father draws him to me.”
You can only get saved at that moment the Holy Spirit is drawing you to Jesus Christ and revealing true salvation.
Others think they can put God off until right before they die. Then, they will have a death bed conversion so they can go to heaven. This is another mistake.
Come with me to the local hospital and here is what you will find. Most people who die in the hospital are drugged and sedated for pain. Most people don’t die conscious they die unconscious. You can’t talk with them. You can’t communicate with them.
The odds are, you’re going to die in the same spiritual condition that you live in. That is why the Bible says,
your life is nothing but a vapor, that appears for a little time, then vanishes away.
when you hear the voice of God. don’t harden your heart.
Today is the day to be saved. Now is the hour of salvation.
Prepare to meet God.
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