True And False Salvation

Sermons On Biblical Salvation.
Four Part Audio Series On Four CDs
Price – $30 with FREE Shipping Debit/Credit or Paypal
Album Contains These 4 Sermons:
1. Five Foolish Virgins
(Matthew 25:1-13) The most important thing in this life is to be prepared for the next life. Because most of your life will not be lived here on planet earth but most of your life will be lived either in a place called heaven or a place called hell. The bible says, “Prepare to meet God.” This message about Ten Virgins waiting for the Bridegroom is symbolic of being ready for heaven. Five virgins were wise and five virgins were foolish. Five were prepared and five were not.
2. Judas! The Lost Disciple
(John 18: 1-5) The most tragic story in the Bible is the story of Judas Iscariot. He was a disciple of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. He was baptized. He was an ordained preacher and the treasurer for the other disciples. He walked with Jesus for three years. He heard the teachings of Jesus. He performed miracles. And yet he was lost! This message deals with the truth that a man can be very religious and yet not be born again.
3. Two Lanes On The Road To Hell
(Matthew 7:13) There are basically two groups of people that go to hell: Those that hate God and want nothing to do with Him, and those who are religious and think they know God but are really lost. These people have have been deceived by the Devil. William addresses the problem of being religious but lost. He explains the ways these lost religious people have been deceived. He then shows the marks of a true Christian.
4. The Wheat And The Tares
(Matthew 13: 24-30) The greatest tragedy in the church today is that we have so many people sit on a church pew, have their name on a church roll and yet have not been saved. The greatest tragedy is that many church members will go to hell. Jesus preached on this subject many times. One of the best know is the parable of the Wheat and Tares. William explains how church members can look so much alike on the outside and be very different on the inside.
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True And False Salvation
Four Part Audio Series On Four CDs
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$30.00 with FREE Shipping!