What Will Happen When I Die? (Video)
Posted on 03. Nov, 2014 by Williiam in Uncategorized
What will happen when you die? What happens after death? A man by the name of Job once asked, “if a man dies shall he live again?” He was asking is there life after death? What will happen to me when I die?
William tackles this question head on with information from the Bible. It is a fresh look at an old questions and will help you be prepared for what will come to us all: DEATH!
He’ll answer the questions: What is death?, Where do we go when we die?, What is the second death? And much more.
William Blackburn has been a vocational evangelist for more than 30 years. He has conducted over 900 revivals with more than 90,000 decisions for Christ. He has been called “the number one harvest evangelist in America”.
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