Will You Go To Heaven? (Video)
Posted on 21. Oct, 2014 by Williiam in Uncategorized
Hello. I want to ask you a question today. Will you go to heaven? I mean, think about it for a moment. Do you know one hundred percent for sure, that if you were to die today, that you’d go to heaven?
Now, you may be one of those folks who say, William, I know that I am saved. I know that I’m a Christian and I know without a doubt that when I die I will go to heaven.
Now, that’s wonderful but let me ask you a second question. Why do you believe that? What are you basing that on? Now, when that question is ask we get many responses but the most common are these:
1. I Made A Profession Of Faith In Jesus Christ.
Most people believe they are saved because they made a profession of faith when they were young. This is wrong. Jesus said, “there are many who profess me with their mouth but with their heart and their life they deny me. They are a long way from me.” A profession of faith is meaningless unless your heart lets go of it’s hold on sin and is converted by the Holy Spirit.
2. I Ask Jesus To Come Into My Heart and Save Me.
The problem with this answer is, no where in the Bible does it say the way a person gets saved is to pray and ask Jesus to come into your heart and save you. The Bible says says salvation comes thru “repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ”.
3. I Believe in Jesus.
Well, was it believing with your head or your heart? This is important! The devil believes in Jesus with his head but he is not converted by the Holy Spirit. He will not go to heaven.
In this video, William presents what the Bible says is the only way to heaven. You must be born again!
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